Health-The Essential Value Of Life

A fundamental resource, health ensures an individual functions optimally in society. Thus, rather than waiting until the end when sickness, health problems or infirmity come knocking, one should be driven to maintain health through a wholesome lifestyle. True health is a continuous state of enhanced well-being.


The fundamental belief of Naturopathy is, good health is an integral part of every individual.Moreover, we believe that the human body has the innate power or immunity to sustain itself against any disease. Nimba’s qualified and experienced naturopaths will help you heal, nourish, stimulate and strengthen your body’s system through the powers of natural therapies, optimal nutrition and lifestyle guidelines.

Yoga and devine healing

Famous all over the world for the holistic elevation of health, Yoga is a traditional Indian technique practised to gain control over the physical and mental health to achieve a better life. Keeping in mind the countless benefits of Yoga, Nimba incorporates Hatha Yoga, Shat Kriya, many breathing techniques and meditation. Each part of the Yoga retreat is designed to help you restore physical and emotional balance. In addition to the commonly practised forms of yoga, we encourage power, therapeutic and aquatic yoga as they’re some of the most effective forms.

  • Nutritious eating routine. Balanced nutritious diet, preferably easy to digest freshly cooked soft diet.
  • Drink adequate amount of warm water.
  • Take immunity promoting Ayurveda Supplements as prescribed by a qualified practitioner
  • Daily practice of Yogasana, Pranayama and Meditation, as much as your health permits.
  • Daily morning or evening walk at a comfortable pace.
  • Sufficient sleep and rest.
  • Increase the intake of Turmeric, Cumin, Coriander and garlic.Drink herbal tea or decoction of Holy basil, Cinnamon, Black pepper, Dry Ginger and Raisin.

These are all excellent Natural reccommondations that can help you for healthy lifestyle.